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How Eddie Howe improved Newcastle

How Eddie Howe improved Newcastle
Newcastle are a top contending team in the prem and it's all thanks to Eddie Howe

Eddie Howe, the former Bournemouth manager, was appointed as the new manager of Newcastle United in November 2021. The club was struggling at the bottom of the Premier League table when Howe took over, but his impact has been significant. In this article, we will discuss how Eddie Howe has improved Newcastle United.

Tactical changes
One of the first things that Howe did when he took over at Newcastle was to implement a more attacking style of play. He shifted the team to a 4-3-3 formation, which allowed the players to be more fluid in their movement and more creative in their play. This has resulted in more goals for the team, which had been a major problem before Howe's arrival.

Improved team morale
Another area where Howe has made a big impact is in improving team morale. When he arrived, the team was lacking in confidence and struggling to find form. However, Howe has managed to lift the spirits of the players and create a positive atmosphere in the dressing room. This has translated onto the pitch, with the players looking more motivated and playing with more energy and determination.

Better communication
One of the key factors in Howe's success at Newcastle has been his ability to communicate effectively with the players. He has taken the time to get to know each member of the squad and has been able to identify their strengths and weaknesses. This has allowed him to tailor his coaching to each individual player, which has resulted in better performances on the pitch.

Stronger defense
Another area where Newcastle has improved under Howe is in defence. The team has conceded fewer goals since Howe's arrival, and this is largely down to his emphasis on defensive organization and discipline. He has also made changes to the personnel in the backline, bringing in players who are more suited to his style of play.

Improved recruitment
Finally, Howe has been instrumental in improving Newcastle's recruitment strategy. He has worked closely with the club's scouting department to identify players who fit his system and style of play. This has resulted in some shrewd signings, such as the acquisition of winger Aleksander Isaak and Bruno Guimaraes, who have been a revelation since arriving at the club.
In conclusion, Eddie Howe has had a significant impact on Newcastle United since taking over as manager. He has implemented a more attacking style of play, improved team morale, and strengthened the defence. His ability to communicate effectively with the players has also been key to the team's success, and he has played a major role in improving the club's recruitment strategy. All in all, Howe has given Newcastle United fans renewed hope for the future.





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